"Fun Mother and Son" moment
At our recent trip to Cameron Highland. ..
I am glad that we make time for the kids for a holiday.
Travelling with kids has not been an easy one. Not only we capture their best photo, we capture their demanding behavior too, while me and hubby had a great parenting experience.
It was a cold rainy night at Cameron.... Hubby is nice to drive me around Tanah Rata to satisfy my souvenir searching. I know I had been a pain in the neck sometimes. Jaden was as excited as I as he accompany me to get one souvenir for myself. You know when daddy is very concern on mummy he followed too.
At our last mix fm marriage day I always bring up the issue of daddy do behaviour so that the child follows and I always stress on housework. As in chores. Consultant tell us just hire part time maid; use machines hubby say and don't get too worried on unwashed cup. It's just a dirty cup.
Back to Cameron. Both me and Jaden was walking on the street. I am pretty cold then a Lil shivering n I am telling jaden. "Today is indeed a cold day isn't it?". Super cold as I show him the shivering face. The next thing I see is my Lil men took off his sweater and ask me to put on.(I didn't manage to take the photo as I am shivering) haha.
You know - that "Lil one took off his sweater" moment is so "charming" and yau yeng..just like my olden pak toh days.
He assured me he is ok as he has been wearing the sweater whole day n I can have it. He reconfirmed that he is still warm. After a while I can see him brushing his Lil hand.
Ok. I am a super "lum" mummy. Thanks hubby for instilling a gentlemen value to this kid - who treat his mummy like a queen.
It was a lovely moment and I want to pen this down for more road trip to come. As a working parents who always in doubt and questioning our way of parenting ... their lil act reassure us that they are ok.
Son, if you are reading this at any time.... you already make me proud.
Big boy alr..so sweet