1. Gardners theory of 8 multiple intelligence to recognise that every child is different.
2. Give our children free space to explore with a balance level of warm and the level of control, setting boundary with a little expectation.
Its also important for the child to have a sense of perseverance. Having said that the child mind is still developing and they are on the look out for their parents guidance.
3. Helicopter parenting. High control over a child will only lower their self esteem especially when parents choose to decide everything for the child.
4. Authoritative parenting may have the best balance. There are of lower expectation and usually parent adjust activities that matched the child developmental age.
5. Often we sees packed curricular activities for privilege children, no breather, forgot to allow their children doing things they like ie hobbies.
6. Sometimes it is good to let the child be bored. This enables them to think better and be more creative.
While Indra, a consultant dietician shares about holistic well being that focus on nutrition, as it links to development and better ability to learn.
The concept of "Suku Suku Separuh" that she shares delighted parents and teachers and its a portion of separuh fruits n vege, suku protein , suku carbo. Sandwiches and Bento could be an easy meal to prepare for school and we can include tuna, sardine, carrots or fruits.
We can always include our children in the planning of food. Ie. Set the menu for the week, working the meal planning together to ensure children eat at school with the food they choose. Its ok for them to request for treats, just have a small portion as an add on after their main meal.
On psikology point of view, parents have to ensure they finish their food and portion of vege before they go. A strong positive reinforcement is needed for picky eater. Praise them crazy when they eat and always encourage them to eat vege.
During the Q&A session, we discuss about family bonding through meal time. It's not encouraged to start any gadget while eating at restaurant but one can opt for conversations or colouring papers etc.
Teachers could play a good parenting role too at school educating them on choosing the right food and importance of nutrition.
The forum ended with a bring back message, Whatever we are doing, we must do it extraordinary and well.
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