Last 2 day at midnight, we are at Taman Desa Medical Centre for Jaden's fever check-up. Glad to know he is not being diagnosed with N1H1 viral, we went home with medication syrup for fever, cough, flu and phlegm. Antibody medication only will be given to babies if situation got worsen. I had to take leave to take care of him the next two days and don't think I could handle everything (from expressing breastmilk, preparing lunch, looking after my fever-yet very active kiddo) I opt to go to my parent place for an assistance. ;p
Finally Jaden doozed to sleep after his milk and his "walk-walk".Yesterday midnight is a drama for me, mum & dad. He is having a high fever at 39.2 degree. We are then busy patting him with cold wet clothes, measuring his temperature, boiling eggs, carrying him to & fro etc etc.. Before I know what's happening futher after my mum carry him out the room, I am already too tired as I slept throughout the "morning". Just some guide to young mums like me - should try out the Grandma egg-reducing-fever techniques before bothering to bring your kiddo for further medication. No harm trying these apart from the doctors medication. It works for Jaden at least.
Egg-Reducing-Fever techniques
(i) Boil an egg for 15-20 minutes until its harden, scoop it up from the hot water and peel off its skin
(ii) Get 1 or 2 old and new coins (preferably big 50 cents coins), slot in between the egg.
(iii)Using a thin handkerchief, cover the entire egg (with syillings in it). It will look like a dough.
(iv) Roll the "dough" when its still hot around his chest, forehead, neck, behind hand and leg joints and stomach. (Not to switch on the fan or air-condition while doing this)
(v) Once done, you should be anticipate to see the outcome like this:
(Blue means wind, red means heat)
Never know how the syilling works scientifically, probably anyone could share with me?
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