Reading is my passion since young and we are spoilt with books and reading material. Dad & mum always my idol for their good English and they has been my walking dictionary until dad got us a "thick dictionary".
Today, I spent my time with Jaden at April's nanny place. It was school holiday, so I thought to mingle around with my babies and the kids. 4 of the kids are happy, active, young kiddos at their age of 9,10,11,12 years old. We were chatting on nanny getting her eldest to another school for "remove" or "pre-form 1" as she has failed her BM and English in her Standard 6. They goes to after-school tuition but can't afford an outside tuition. They have problem understanding the words, not to mentioned the sentences. When asked for an English book, she would take out the old piece of school magazine and says that's all they have. Masters in their Chinese language, comes the 2nd girl with her books. "Dear, why are you reading Std 4 english books? I thought you will be in Std 6 next year?" She replied this "I don't understand, that's why.. my friend will teach me after he attends his private tuition, he will mark for me. But he won't be there during school holiday."
Its so sour to see these - I wept everytime I tell this story. And I can assures there's lot of unfortunate if we were to find out. Probably that's why God lead us to this family. I am so furtunate to have this nanny for April. She is the "princess" at nanny's. Just a cry would give her everything.
I offer a favor to ask me on those 2 languages and will bring them some reading materials. Thanks to Kevin Poon, my ever beloved uncle who will sponsor some exhibition reading materials from Grolier for the kids. I always thought, reading and knowledge is the best key in changing one's lifestyle, & hope I could help them in a little way.
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